- Bob Dylan Song Featured in Ad for Google Instant
Given that he previously appeared in a Victoria’s Secret ad, I guess we can’t get too upset. How having search capability that is even faster than an every-few-seconds basis is a big improvement is a bit beyond me, however. - An E-Mail Interview with Questionable Content’s Jeph Jacques
Jeph, as you may recall, is the web comic artist featured in Chapter 1 of Mass Communication: Living in a Media World. The interview came from a high school student who admired Jeph’s work. Worth a read. As is Questionable Content! - Ryan Reynolds Discusses Buried
Actor Ryan Reynolds discusses his role in the upcoming indie thriller Buried. Unlike so many cliched indie flix, Buried is a true original. Reynold’s is the only character seen in the film, and his entire performance is from within a wooden coffin that is supposedly buried in the Iraqi desert. I can’t wait to see this one. - And Speaking of Movies… Success Stories Aren’t Always Obvious
If you only looked at the reports from the first week or two, you might have assumed (as I did) that the quirky action film Kick-Ass was a complete failure at the box office. That would be wrong. Kick-Ass cost $15 million to make and sold $100 million in tickets worldwide. That strikes me as a pretty big success. (Though Box Office Mojo gives it a budget of $30 million.)
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