What kind of a business is Amazon? Media, Outer Space, and E-porn
Wired’s Steven Levy talks with Amazon founder Jeff Bezos
Fascinating look at how differently Amazon views the Kindle Fire from how Apple views the iPad. Bezos call the Fire a “media service” that is a portal into the Amazon world. That’s why you can buy one for $199. Bezos also talks about the Zappos shoe business and his space launch business. (Yeah, space launch.)
- Rule 34 Variation: Kindle as a channel for e-reader porn
“Every time a major new content platform—print, film, cable, VHS, DVD, the Internet, mobile phones—has experienced massive growth, it has either been driven by a porn boom or at least brought the porn industry along for the ride.” NOTE: No porn at this link. NOTE 2: Rule 34 says that if it exists, there is porn of it, no exceptions. NOTE 3: While you can certainly access porn on your iPad, Apple won’t sell it. Amazon will.
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