- Avengers – Endgame now has biggest global box office, displacing Avatar
Avengers – Endgame has now passed James Cameron’s Avatar for the title of world box office champion, with a current total of $2.79 billion, compared to Avatar’s $2. 789. That figure does not, of course, account for changed ticket prices since Avatar came out a decade ago. Endgame still has a ways to go to top Star Wars: The Force Awakens on the all-time domestic gross list. (A:E at $854 million, SW:TFA at $936 million). Adjusted for inflation, the top three domestic are Gone With The Wind, Star Wars, and The Sound of Music.
- Is the new version of The Lion King an animated movie or a live-action movie?
And given the level of digital special effects out there these days, is there a meaningful difference between the two? Disney consider’s it “live action” as part of its Disney Live Action Reimaginings. But to be serious for a moment – when it opened with $185 million weekend box office – does that make it the animated box office opening champ? And what kind of awards will it be up for? (Maybe not. Box office for the movie is great, reviews, not so much…)
- Want something more to think about RE: live v. animation
The short Piper won best animated film Oscar. Style looks a lot like Lion King.(And yes, I know, everything in Piper was animated.)
- Cats musical movie now has trailer
I strongly suspect some of the people involved with this movie were on hallucinogens while they were working on it. But it still seems oddly compelling.