- Neiman Lab takes a look at what digital subscriptions are doing (or not doing) to keep newspapers healthy.
Excellent article taking a deep dive at the LA Times with lots of data from Joshua Benton. - ProPublica reports on how well-off parents give up custody of their children for better college financial aid.
Then the aid goes to the relatively well off rather than the relatively poorer people. Excellent reporting. This is a story that I suspect is much more significant than a few hedgefunders and movie stars buying their kids way into elite schools. - Baltimore Sun editorial board speaks up to defend their city against president’s tweets
Earlier this week President Trump had a number of nasty things to say about Baltimore , apparently as part of his attempt to attack Baltimore-area congressman Elijah Cummings. The Baltimore Sun was not going to take it and wrote a scathing response. Anyone who says that editorial writing is dead needs to read this one. Been a while since I’ve seen this level of fire.
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