After an intense spring of work on the eighth edition of Mass Communication: Living in a Media World, a full draft of the manuscript is with the editor’s at Sage. That doesn’t mean I’m done working on the book, but it does mean it won’t be consuming almost every waking hour now. So let’s get back to a more regular schedule of blog posts. There’s a lot to talk about!

I’ve been visiting my dad in Iowa the last few days, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t still lots to do on the book. I stopped at a rest area in western Iowa on Friday to catch up on revisions coming in from my development editor, Kate.
What’s the BBC doing about lack of diversity in its television shows?
All new BBC TV series will have at least 20% diverse talent beginning April 2021
— TheWrap (@TheWrap) June 22, 2020
Why should we remember the late actor Ian Holm?
Because he made a host of excellent movies and could not be pigeon-holed as just one kind of actor. He is best known for the affable hobbit Bilbo Baggins in the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings trilogy of films, but he was also the coldly amoral Ash in Ridley Scott’s terrifying Alien, and he was the charming, roguish drummer in the little Judy Dench film The Last of the Blonde Bombshells.
Peter Jackson Penned a Heartfelt Farewell to the Late 'Lord of the Rings' Star Ian Holm
— /Film (@slashfilm) June 21, 2020
Why should you be watching the German series Babylon Berlin on Netflix?
Because it is the most engaging show I’ve found on streaming in forever! It’s a very stylish, dark look at Berlin of the 1920s through the eyes of vice cops, gangsters, trade unionists, Stalinists, Trotskyists, flappers, communists, Social Democrats, proto-Nazis. And it occasionally has incredibly cool musical numbers, sometimes featuring Bryan Ferry of Roxy Music fame. It is not light entertainment, and it demands a certain level of attention, especially if you watch it in German with English subtitles (which you totally want to do!)
What follows is Emily VanDerWerff’s review that got me hooked followed by the irresistible nightclub scene from the second episode. Please note – this is a definite not-for-the-kiddies show full of violence, pornographers, nudity, and drug use. And it has a big cast with really complex stories. But the payoff for those of you who enjoy such things is huge. (There are three seasons of roughly 8 episodes each on Netflix. I just finished the first season.)
Note that this video does not have the subtitles included in the series, but you don’t really need them to get what this show is like. (NSFW)
Hi, I’m currently reading the 6th edition of your textbook mass communication for my journalism class and there’s a lot of terminologies that is so poorly worded it offends me but I feel compelled to let you know because I’ve just been reading Chapter 5 where you misgender Caitlyn Jenner numerous times. I’m frustrated with this lack of sensitivity and respect and I think you should be ashamed of yourself. While being ashamed you should also recall the 6th edition and release a more updated edition that imbibes a more respectful tone to underrepresented groups because this is an instrument of education and I’ll be damned if I have to live in a world where people learn from shit like this.
With the Sixth Edition you are dealing with material from about four years ago. The book is currently headed into it’s eighth edition. I have no doubt that there may be language there that is not sensitive to trans issues. And I regret that. But there is no way to recall old books. We can only move on with greater sensitivity and understanding.