Twittering the Media World: ‘Liberal” media, student journalists and C-SPAN

For all the talk of liberal bias, even the avowedly progressive Vox Media has problems with how management treats employees.  And that pro-management / pro-business bias in pervasive in our profit-driven media world.

The Daily Tar Heel at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, has been doing some great journalism lately.  Student reporter Elizabeth Moore filed a Freedom of Information Act request for e-mails at the school that show all the early warnings the school had about how bad COVID19 problems might be this fall. They also ran a headline on an editorial that a lot of faculty would have agreed with, even if they wouldn’t have approved of the NSFW language.

And finally, if you want full, unfiltered coverage of the political conventions, C-SPAN is the place for it.  And if you miss anything, they’ll have easy-to-use archives of it.


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