Meet my blogging students

This spring I’m teaching JMC 406 – Commentary and Blogging, a course I first taught 30 years ago this winter. (Of course, when I first taught it, there was not a blogging component, given that blogging didn’t exist yet…)

Here are the blogs and twitter feeds from this year’s crop of writers.  I encourage you to take a look, and comment as you wish.

Rachel Arehart

Katie Coker

Thomas Gillen

Ashlee Glaser

Edwin Hooper

Shelby Larsen

Jessica D Moser

Sydney Norris

Haley Pierce

James Rader

Rachel Smith

Angel Yuman

Stuart Wilke

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Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves To Death is as relevant now as it was more than 30 years ago

Back in 1985, NYU communication professor Neil Postman published his book Amusing Ourselves To Death. This book has had an influence on me my entire academic career.  Among the reasons it had such an impact on me was this interview C-SPAN founder did with Dr. Postman in the early days of the public affairs network:

Neil Postman on C-SPAN

Neil Postman on C-SPAN

In  Amusing Ourselves to Death, Dr. Postman argues that the primary effect of television is that it changes how people see the world; that is, with television, people start viewing everything as entertainment. Young people get their news in a comedy format, watching The Daily Show the same way they watch MTV. They learn about politics on the same channel that shows a professional football game.

In an interview with Robert Nelson for the Civic Arts Review, Postman described the major point of Amusing Ourselves to Death:

“Television always recreates the world to some extent in its own image by selecting parts of that world and editing those parts. So a television news show is a kind of symbolic creation and construction made by news directors and camera crews. . . .

“Americans turn to television not only for their light entertainment but for their news, their weather, their politics, their religion, their history, all of which may be said to be their furious entertainment. What I’m talking about is television’s preemption of our culture’s most serious business. It is one thing to say that TV presents us with entertaining subject matter. It is quite another to say that on TV all subject matter is presented as entertaining and it is in that sense that TV can bring ruin to any intelligent understanding of public affairs. . . .

Unfortunately, the link to Dr. Nelson‘s interview is no longer active (Hey, the article is from 28 years ago!), but you can read a lot more of material about Dr. Postman on the Neil Postman Online Archive page.

I was reminded about Amusing Ourselves To Death today when The Weekly Standard editor Stephen Hayes tweeted this out:

Do yourself a favor and watch the C-SPAN interview and pick up a copy of this classic book.


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Questions Worth Asking (Maybe) – Fire and Fury Edition

Fire and Fury: Inside The Trump White HouseWriter/journalist Michael Wolff has a the new book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House being published imminently, and it’s attracting lots of Questions Worth Asking (Maybe)!

  • So how has the publisher reacted to this?
    The publisher has reportedly moved up the publication from next week to Friday of this week. Henry Holt & Co. says that it’s “due to unprecedented demand,” but there’s also been suggestions on Twitter that getting the book published and in the hands of readers would preempt any temporary restraining order a judge might put out.
  • Is the book any good?
    Depends, to a degree, on who you ask. Author Michael Wolff has taken  material ranging from taped, on-the-record interviews to widely discussed gossip and presented them together as part of a narrative. When you consider that President Trump and Mr. Bannon are both fans of “alternative facts” and that Mr. Wolff seems willing to recreate dialog, it’s not surprising some critics view the book with some doubt. The New Yorker  (not New York magazine) presented a thoughtful analysis of the book online today.

    Check back later – there may be more tweets added in.



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Disney To Acquire Large Portions of 21st Century Fox

Yes, I know this was news a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been busy, and this will be around for a long time, assuming it gets approved…

There’s been a lot of talk lately about one of media conglomerates acquiring a large portion of 21st Century Fox’s media properties, excluding primarily Fox News family, Fox Broadcasting, and Fox’s national sports channels.

Then on Dec. 14th, Disney announced that it would be bringing together Fox’s X-Men with Disney’s Avengers. And that blockbuster Avatar will join the Mouse House – along with the presumed series of sequels.  And, of course, it will bring the Alien franchise into the world of Disney.  (As one wit on Twitter asked, “Does that make the xeonmorphs Disney Princesses, given that their mommy is the Alien Queen? I might add that I’ve begged the brilliant Lar DeSouza to draw a cartoon of this.)

This also raises the question of what in pop culture doesn’t Disney control?

The deal is reportedly valued at $52.4 billion, and Disney chairman Bob Iger will stay on with the merged company until at least 2021. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney will buy Fox’s movie and TV studio, the National Geographic and FX cable channels, regional sports networks, and international broadcast networks. It will also give Disney nearly 40 percent of the European satellite service Sky, and the 30 percent of Hulu currently owned by Fox.  That will give Disney approximately 60 percent of the streaming service.

Comcast had announced earlier in the week that it was dropping out of fight for 21st Century Fox’s assets.

Who will be hurt or helped by this merger?

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More Bridges of Buffalo County

Earlier this fall, thanks to a post on an ADVRIDER discussion board (for people who go on motorcycle adventures…), I discovered the website  Bridge Hunter is a database of historic and notable bridges around the United States and is a great source of interesting places to go motorcycling when you’re looking to head out to no place in particular. You can find all of my Bridgehunter posts following this link.

Last Sunday was a nice afternoon in December, so I took advantage of the weather and collected two more bridges:

Great Platte River Road Archway Monument

Great Platte River Road Archway Monument
Approximate Lattitude/Longitude:
N 40.66988, W 99.03847

This was taken on a gravel road on the south side of the interstate.  The Archway Monument is a museum built on essentially a bridge that crosses over Interstate 80.  It’s a defining feature on the interstate as you head west across Nebraska.  Well worth a stop.  But you can skip the chain restaurant BBQ there.  Instead, go into town to Luke & Jakes for some great local pork, beef, chicken, or sausage.

Head on west from the Archway and you can find the Kilgore Bridge located on the edge of the Bassway Strip State Wildlife Management area.

Kilgore Bridge in the Bassway Strip State Wildlife Management Area

Kilgore Bridge in the Bassway Strip State Wildlife Management Area
Approximate Latitude/Longitude:
N 40.68382, W 98.95130

The main highway headed south here crosses the Platte River on a modern bridge, but the old truss bridge connects the gravel road into the wildlife management area.

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Is a Wedding Cake Free Speech? Or Is That Even The Question?

Update: Here’s how the court ruled.

On Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017 the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the case of Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.

In 2012, back when marriage equality was yet to be the law of the land in the U.S., same-sex couple Charlie Craig and David Mullins traveled from Colorado to Massachusetts where they could legally be wed.  They then returned to Denver where they planned on having a reception.

The couple went to Masterpiece Cakeshop to order a fancy cake.  But as soon as baker Jack C. Phillips realized he was being asked to make a cake for a gay couple, he told them his Christian faith would not allow him to do so.  He would happily sell them a birthday or graduation cake, but not a wedding cake.

Although Colorado did not yet have same-sex marriage, the state did have a public accommodations law that prohibited discriminating based on race, gender, religion and sexual orientation.

Phillips made a First Amendment argument that he was not discriminating against Craig and Mullins based on sexual orientation; instead, he was refusing to engage in speech by making a decorated cake that went against his religious values.

The Colorado Civil Rights Commission argued that making a cake for a customer was not an endorsement of the event the cake would be used at.

This case has generated an enormous number of opinion pieces making many arguments from many points of view.  Here are several that take on the case with a  range of approaches.  Do not take my listing of these as an endorsement of any of them.  I’m just trying to show how different people can address the same issue.

The basic news story:

And now the opinion pieces:

  • A cake is food, not speech. But why bully the baker?
    By George F. Will, Washington Post opinion writer
    “Denver has many bakers who, not having Phillips’s scruples, would have unhesitatingly supplied the cake they desired. So, it was not necessary for Craig’s and Mullins’s satisfaction as consumers to submit Phillips to government coercion. Evidently, however, it was necessary for their satisfaction as asserters of their rights as a same-sex couple.”
  • The Supreme Court cake case has an easy answer
    By Dana Milbank, Washington Post opinion writer
    “Piece of cake: If you can’t do it to racial and religious minorities, women and the disabled, you shouldn’t be able to do it to gay people.”
  • There will be no winners in the Supreme Court’s wedding cake case
    By Greg Weiner, associate professor of political science at Assumption College
    “In Masterpiece Cakeshop , LGBT advocates can hope for a pyrrhic victory at best. Conscientious objectors to same-sex weddings may be pressed into service, but only at the long-range cost of intensifying their opposition. A vindication of religious liberty, meanwhile, would tarnish that value, however unfairly, with the taint of discrimination.
  • The Supreme Court wedding cake case isn’t about cake at all
    By Nathaniel Frank, director of the public policy research portal What We Know
    “The reason is that the Constitution guarantees a right to equal dignity, and turning people away from public accommodations — or slicing up the public by granting individuals a license to “opt out” of the public weal — denies people that dignity. No constitutional right is entirely unrestricted, but in deciding the balance between First Amendment and equal protection claims, the courts have already distinguished between the right to hold or espouse a belief — considered “absolute” — and the right to act on it with impunity. The ‘free exercise of one’s belief,’ the courts have said, is ‘subject to regulation when religious acts require accommodation to a society.'”
  • The Supreme Court must protect a baker’s unpopular speech
    Marc A. Thiessen, Washington Post opinion writer
    “Even if you disagree with Phillips, you have an interest in seeing him prevail. The First Amendment protects unpopular speech. Speaking out in favor of same-sex marriage was once unpopular. And views that are popular today may be unpopular in the future. To maintain a free society, we must have the freedom to disagree — and tolerance for those who disagree with us.”

And finally…

  • Let Us Buy Cake
    By R. Eric Thomas, playwright and staff writer at
    “I ventured up to the third floor and found a table with a surfeit of cake options, but no labels. “Do you think one of these is lemon?” a woman next to me asked. I turned to her: “There’s only one way to find out.”

    She replied, “Eat them all?” My soul mate.

    She asked me if I was enjoying myself. I shrugged. “Apparently, you’re invisible without a bride,” I said.

    She told me she understood. She wore scrubs, with her hair tied back, a marked difference from the party-casual dress of many other attendees. She explained that she was a vet and had accidentally left her engagement ring at work. Grabbing two more slices of cake, we wandered away from the table.”


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How MSNBC/NBC is Covering the Matt Lauer Abuse/Firing Story

Yesterday, I posted an inventory of about 15 major journalism and media figures who have been accused of sexual harassment or abuse over the last year or two.  I’ve spoken with a number of people about this list, and where it would fit in the ethics chapter of the next edition of Mass Communication: Living in a Media World. And to a degree, this is pretty simple.  There is no ethical debate to be had here – this behavior is wrong, indefensible, and (in my mind) not open to debate.

But that doesn’t mean that that there aren’t plenty of legitimate ethics issues raised by these cases.  For example – How do media organizations go about covering the scandals that affect their owners.

Last night Rachel Maddow had a fascinating interview with NBC News correspondent Stephanie Gosk on he she’s gone about covering the NBC Today Show host Matt Lauer story for NBC:

(Note: Having trouble getting this video to load, but link above should work.)

More on this topic as I have time.

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A Brief History of Accusations (and Consequences) of Sexual Misconduct by Media Figures

A brief history of recent accusations and consequences of sexual misconduct by media figures:

Consequences to Date: Fired by NBC

Consequences to Date: Rose dropped by CBS and show on PBS canceled.

Consequences to Date: Minnesota Public Radio and American Public Media have severe all ties with Keillor. MPR canceled Keillor’s “Writer’s Almanac” show, ended rebroadcasts of Keillor’s decades of Prairie Home Companion radio show, and it will be renaming his old show (now hosted by musician Chris Thile) going forward.

Consequences to Date: Weinstein was fired from the company that bears his name. This also, in many ways, helped set off the recent “purge” of accused sexual harassers from news and media organizations across the United States this fall.

Consequences to Date: Fired from all positions associated with Warner Brothers Television, which produced the DC comics-inspired shows he was connected with.

Consequences to Date: Fired from Netflix series House of Cards; cut from Ridley Scott’s movie All the Money In the World with all of his scenes being reshot.

Consequences to Date:  Thrush has been suspended by the New York Times.

Consequences to Date: Franken is currently serving as a US senator from Minnesota.  He is facing investigation from the Senate Ethics Committee, which he has said he will cooperate with.

Consequences to Date: Halperin has been dropped as a contributor at MSNBC and NBC News, HBO has cancelled plans for a miniseries based on his book Game Change, and publisher Penguin Books has cancelled plans for an upcoming book.

Consequences to Date: Toback has denied the allegations against him, though his statements have been confusing.

Consequences to Date: Orestes resigned from NPR under pressure  .

Consequences to Date: fired by Vox after admitting to the misconductSteele was in the allegations against him.

Consequences to Date: O’Reilly had at least five settlements with women who charged he mistreated them. He also had a $32 million settlement with legal analyst Lis Wiehl.  After he was fired by Fox, conservative television station owner Sinclair Broadcast Group announced that it was not interested in hiring O’Reilly.

Consequences to Date: Ailes resigned from the network he founded, but remained in an advisory capacity with reportedly as much as $40 million in severance pay. Ailes died in May of 2017.

Consequences to Date:  denied all of the accusations against him, though he at one point acknowledgedTrump has that a tape obtained by the television show Access Hollywood on which he admitted to a range of crude behavior was real. He is currently serving as president of the United States.



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The Bridges of Buffalo County

Earlier today, thanks to a post on an ADVRIDER discussion board (for people who go on motorcycle adventures…), I discovered the website  Bridge Hunter is a database of historic and notable bridges around the United States and is a great source of interesting places to go motorcycling when you’re looking to head out to no place in particular.

My ride today was about 90 miles and took me first to see the Mud Creek Bridge, which is a modern replacement for an old truss bridge.

Mud Creek Bridge, Imperial Rd.

There was only a hundred feet of gravel or so to this first bridge. So not the most exciting thing.

But the second was really cool — Cherry Creek Bridge was about 5 miles or so off the pavement, about 4 miles south and 7 miles east of Revenna.  And it was a really neat 1935 pony truss bridge.  Well worth the search:

Cherry Creek Bridge
Approximate Latitude/Longitude
N 40.96074
W 98.77921

From there, I rode several miles south and further east before connecting up with pavement for the ride home.

Exactly the kind of ride I was hoping for today. Planning on finding a lot more of these old bridges. Watch this space…

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Annie Proulx in praise of the happy ending

Annie Proulx

Annie Proulx just won the National Book Award Medal for Distinguished Contribution, and she gave a wonderful acceptance speech in praise of the happy ending.  Here are some highlights, but you can read the whole thing over at Vulture:

“Although this award is for lifetime achievement, I didn’t start writing until I was 58, so if you’ve been thinking about it and putting it off, well…

“We still hope for a happy ending. We still believe that we can save ourselves and our damaged earth — an indescribably difficult task as we discover that the web of life is far more mysteriously complex than we thought and subtly entangled with factors that we cannot even recognize. But we keep on trying, because there’s nothing else to do…

“Hence the indispensable silver lining, the lovers reunited, the families reconciled, the doubts dispelled, fidelity rewarded, fortunes regained, treasures uncovered, stiff-necked neighbors mending their ways, good names restored, greed daunted, old maids married off to worthy parsons, troublemakers banished to other hemispheres, forgers of documents tossed down the stairs, seducers scurried to the altar, orphans sheltered, widows comforted, pride humbled, wounds healed, prodigal sons summoned home, cups of sorrow tossed into the ocean, hankies drenched with tears of reconciliation, general merriment and celebration, and the dog Fido, gone astray in the first chapter, turns up barking gladly in the last.”

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