Star Wars VII tops Avatar as #1 North American Box Office

And we’re back for 2016. Hope you all had an enjoyable holiday break!

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

So it really isn’t any surprise that Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens is now the number one movie moneymaker of all time for the North American market, surpassing 2009’s Avatar. With all the pent up demand for a great Star Wars movie (Sorry, prequels, you don’t count as great Star Wars movies!), it was inevitable that it would take the top spot on the chart.

While I definitely expected Star Wars to take the top spot, what I didn’t expect was how fast it happened. It took Avatar seven months of its original run, along with a $10-milllion re-release to reach $760.5 million total.  Star Wars VII did it in only 20 days.

Now, one reason that SWVII jumped ahead of Avatar so quickly is that movie tickets cost more in 2015/16 than they did in 2009/10. On the all-time inflation adjusted listAvatar is currently #14 and SWVII is at #21.

The true box office champion will always be 1939’s Gone With The Wind, which brought in an adjusted grow of $1.7 billion domestically.  Remember, this was in the time before television when movie attendance was much higher than it is today.  Perhaps more interestingly, the original 1977 Star Wars is #2 on the all-time adjusted list with an adjusted box office of $1.5 billion.

I must confess I did my part to help with the first Star Wars by seeing it 13 times in the theater the summer it came out.

Reading the list in a bit more depth, it’s no surprise that 1937’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs weighs in at number 10. It was, after all, briefly the all-time box office champ – up until GWTW came out in 1939.  But it’s #11 that has always surprised and delighted me – Disney’s 1961 version of 101 Dalmatians.


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Looking back at the original 1977 Star Wars

Star WarsThirty-eight years ago, in a movie theater not that far away, I saw the original Star Wars movie during the summer of 1977.  It was between my junior and senior years in high school, and the movie was the talk of everyone waiting to take their ACTs.

I ended up seeing the movie 13 times in the theater the summer it came out.  Don’t judge me – this was before VCRs were common, HBO was a new thing, and Netflix was still decades away. OK, judge me.  I would have gone that many times anyway.

I went every weekend that summer and watched the print at the downtown Waterloo, Iowa theater gradually deteriorate.   I took my eldest son to see the rerelease of the original trilogy in Special Edition form when he was five or six; we also went to Washington, D.C. to the Smithsonian to see the Art of Star Wars exhibit.

Today, Star Wars Episode VII opens in theaters nationwide, but I will not be going yet.  I’m holding out to go to a 3D IMAX screening in Council Bluffs, Iowa, about 180 miles from here, next week.

My friend Giles Snyder, a morning newscaster for NPR, shared this review from Tom Shales that ran on All Things Considered back in 1977.  Given that this pre-dates the Internet, this posting represents the first time Shales’ review has been published since it first aired:

Talking about the new Star Wars movie on Facebook earlier this week led to a lot of reminisences from a variety of my friends.  Here’s some of their memories:

  • Giles Snyder, NPR newscaster, who currently has a countdown going on Facebook till he goes to see the movie:
    “Anybody remember seeing the trailer? I do. If memory serves, I saw it before the Gene Wilder/Richard Pryor flick “Silver Streak.” I was captivated and said to myself “I have GOT to see that Star Wars thing!””

    Giles recalls that he was 13 when the original Star Wars came out. ” My brother must have been about 8. He was white as a sheet just before the Death Star was destroyed and told me he didn’t feel well. I told him to go find Mom. I was not about to miss the finale.  Btw – looking back at that trailer, I wonder how I ever got excited.”

  • Brian Ibbott, podcaster & host of Coverville:
    “My Uncle George won tickets from a radio station for a sneak preview the night before it officially opened, and we saw it with our cousins John & George. We sat in the balcony of the Cooper Theater (which is now a Home Depot), at the time, one of the two biggest screens in Colorado.

    “I came home and filled sheets of typing paper with drawings of all the characters, and couldn’t wait to see it again.”

    Brian was 8 when he first saw Star Wars.

  • Brian Ibbott’s Uncle George:
    “So yes, that was a special night. We were among the first to see a movie that was technically unlike anything before.

    “I remember first reading about Star Wars in the fall of 1976. I had picked up an issue of one of Marvel’s showcase comics (Marvel Premiere, I think it was) and on the letters page, the editors were teasing upcoming features that would be presented in that comic. One that caught my eye was an adaptation of a soon-to-be-released movie titled “The Star Wars”.

    “Weeks later, I was in a book store looking for something new, when one cover stood out: The image was of a menacing looking helmeted character looming over much smaller figures, humans, robots and a shaggy alien. The title was “Star Wars” and I recalled the blurb in that comic. Knowing Marvel was about to put out a comic version, I bought it and devoured it. I read it again and used it for a book report in my high school science fiction class.”

  • Brian Bennet, Lutheran campus chaplain at Pittsburgh universities:
    “I was six. My dad who NEVER went to movies, took me after we got haircuts. To say it was life-changing is to understate.”

    Rev. Brian is now preparing to take his children to see the new movie. “We just ran our daughter (5 y.o.) through episodes 4-6, so we could take her to episode 7. Her main takeaway from RotJ was “EWOKS!” heh.

  • Dolores Hill Sierra, retired communications professor:
    Dolores admits she has not been that big of a Star Wars fan, but she has a grandson who certainly is. “My five year old grandson got into Star Wars because of Lego Star Wars cartoons. He’s quite passionate. He and his parents have watched all the movies in preparation for this Friday’s opening (which is his actual 5th birthday). The last time we talked to him, he was re-enacting the Return of the Jedi for us. The legacy continues.”

And in case you are interested, here’s an old post on why Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones is a tribute to the films of Ridley Scott.

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Media Business in the News

And one more Christmas commercial to go with those tear jerkers from yesterday.

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Sentimental Twaddle – A Host of Christmas/Holiday Ads That Will Make You Cry

Advertising Age’s morning newsletter had a lot of interesting news this morning, but none better than a story on a number of Christmas and holiday themed ads guaranteed to make you blubber like a baby!

Among the best/worst is a German ad of a family too busy to visit their aging father on Christmas:

And here’s a holiday ad from Tylenol that features “peace, love and families of all races, creeds and sexual orientation.” In other words, it features people… And don’t get upset by the word “holiday,” It features Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu families (at least – I may have missed some).

And I will not spoil this adorable (sentimental twaddle, stop to wipe my eyes) entry from Toys “R” Us.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to us all!

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Trying to Control the News

There’ve been several stories over the last few days of governments attempting to control the news.  Here are links to two of them:

  • Judge forces Florida paper to “unpublish” information
    According to Columbia Journalism Review, a judge in Florida has forced the Palm Beach Post to take down from its website portions of a transcript of telephone recordings “in which a jailhouse snitch bragged about his ability to elicit confessions from fellow inmates and how he had arranged a deal with prosecutors for a lighter sentence.” There is no evidence that this story meets the level of danger to our country established in previous prior restraint classes and no evidence that the paper acted improperly to get the transcript.  Keep your eyes open for updates on the appeals process for this story. Note that the judge was only able to get the transcript off the newspaper’s web site, not off the internet
  • Thai publisher of International New York Times redacts story on “Sagging Thailand”
    According to a story by reporter Sasiwan Mokkhasen of Khaosod Englis, the Thai edition of the International New York Times had a story about the sagging Thai economy under the current ruling military junta.  The paper contained the following message where the story had been scheduled to run:

    “The article in this space was removed by our printer in Thailand. The International New York Times and its editorial staff had no role in its removal,”

    The story remained available online.


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Questions Worth Asking (Maybe)

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Guest Blog Post: Understanding Mizzou’s Melissa Click

image-296x167The following is a guest blog post from Dr. Brian Steffen, professor and chair of the Department of Communication and Media Studies at Simpson College.  This was originally published on the Small Programs Interest Group (from AEJMC) listserv in slightly different form and is reprinted here with Brian’s permission.

As you may recall, Mizzou communication professor Dr. Melissa Click came to prominence on Monday when she was among a group of protestors on the Mizzou campus who tried to turn away a photographer and video journalist from a tent city set.  She became famous when video showed her saying, “All right, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here.”  Click has since apologized for her remarks and behavior.

In this post, Dr. Steffen provides a possible explanation of why Dr. Click expressed herself the way she did.

Please do not in any way take this post as a defense of Mizzou communication professor Dr. Melissa Click. Perhaps consider it a weak attempt at explanation:

The mass media prof is not part of the journalism school. Many of us have journalism, mass media, speech and that blob of disciplines known as ‘communication’ all wrapped up in one department for the sake of administrative ease. My sense is that the School of Journalism at Mizzou (the world-famous program) has about as much to do with the communication department as it does with the French or geography departments.

And we know that the media studies programs often are filled with scholars coming out of cultural studies and critical-theory schools of thoughts — intellectual projects that critique the press as an instrument of social and corporate power rather than embrace it as a defender of democracy. If the prof wants to point out that it’s her belief that the photographer is a representative of the very system that she and the others are protesting, that’s a legitimate point of debate in which we can engage.

Of course, for the prof to call for ‘muscle’ to prevent the photojournalist (who was a student, incidentally) from getting this story is much more than a critique and indeed is state-sanctioned censorship. And it’s yet another example of how the university is quickly becomig hostile to First Amendment values all in the name of empowering the powerless.

I, too, am outraged by this. But I think I have much less surprise than others at the fact that it happened.

Dr. Brian Steffen
Simpson College

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Mizzou Protests: Media Attention Is Not A Faucet You Can Turn Off And On

SI_MUIf you follow the same kind of people and media outlets on Twitter as I do, you’ve likely been overwhelmed with the firehose of news and opinions about the events at University of Missouri (Mizzou) over the last few days.

There’s been a lot of hot emotion over the story there, so let’s step back and look at what has happened.

Up until this point, we have a story that is primarily one about civil rights at the University of Missouri and the response to student activism on the issue.  But then on Monday afternoon the story’s focus changed dramatically when the protestors turned against what had been for the most part a supportive press.

  • Protestors, comm professor confront student photographer and video journalist on Mizzou campus (WaPo)
    One point that needs to be made for those of you who don’t know your journalism programs is that Mizzou has a top-notch college of journalism.  So it came as a surprise when the news started breaking Monday evening that student photographer Tim Tai, who was freelancing for ESPN, was physically pushed away from taking pictures from a tent city located on a central part of the Mizzou campus.  Tai was told by protestors that the tent camp was a self-proclaimed “no media safe space.

Tai’s confrontation with the protestors was captured in video by journalist Mark Schierbecker.  The video shows Tai engaging the protestors politely but firmly, asserting his first amendment rights in a public space. Among the protestors was assistant professor of communication (often misidentified as a journalism faculty member) Dr.  Melissa Click, who is heard on video saying:

All right, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here.

Tai and Schierbecker have been praised for how they handled the tense situation by James Fallows on The Atlantic’s web site:

Sincere congratulations to someone who this morning had no idea he would be in the national eye. But he turned out to be, and behaved in a way that reflects credit on him and the calling of news-gathering. 

The New York Times had a good story that highlighted what happened in the confrontation, and the Twitter responses from both Tai and a number of other participants.

I would note that Mr. Tai has handled his role in the story well, and he notes that the big story still needs to be the problem of racism on campus and not the first amendment issue. (And as a side note – Take a look at Tai’s photos at ESPN.  Great work!)

Tim Tai

 It is worth noting that Tai has retweeted documentation today (Tuesday) that the protestors have moved on to welcoming the press.

  • Missouri state law mandates that all of the MU campus is a free speech zone (MU Maneater)
    While Mizzou has had so-called “free speech zones” established on campus in the past, a law signed by Gov. Jay Nixon states that protests and speeches can be given on any outdoor space on the campuses of public institutions of higher learning in the state. So every outdoor space on campus is in essence a free speech zone.

Some concluding thoughts:

This story is still breaking and is far from over.  But there are a few things that I think we can learn from this case study.

First, it is much easier to deal with a difficult situation when both sources and reporters work calmly and with respect for each other. While this story was going on, Washington Post reporter Wesley Lowery sent out a series of tweets talking about another story that called for calm respect that he had covered several years ago:

WesleyLowery 2012

I can’t recommend enough Mr. Lowery’s Washington Post reporting and Twitter feed.

Secondly, I think there is one more important lesson to be learned here. Media attention can be a strong power for good or ill. But it is not something to be taken lightly.  And once you have turned on the media attention, it’s very difficult to turn it off. And so I would suggest one more candidate for a Media Secret: “Media Attention Is Not A Faucet You Can Turn Off And On.”

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Thinking About New Media Secrets: Everything is Data

When the second edition of Mass Communication: Living in a Media World came out as a CQ Press title back in 2007, one of the biggest new features was the introduction of the “Seven Truths They Don’t Want You To Know About the Media.” Other than the switch last year to calling them the Seven Secrets, they have stayed pretty much unchanged.  But lots has changed in the media world over the last decade.The old secrets are as relevant as ever, but we’re ready to think about a few new additions to the list.

So what I’m looking at is expanding the list to the Ten Secrets for the next edition of the book.  The question is, what should the new secrets be?  I’ll be trying out a some candidates here over the next few weeks to see what you think. We’ll give them letters for the time being:

Vector graphic designed by Freepik

Vector graphic designed by Freepik

New Secret A: Everything is data. We are moving into an age where more and more media are delivered digitally.  And that means we will be moving away from old channels like cable television , paper or cellular phone service and moving into the use of data services.

Think about it – how often do you come close to using up your allocation of cell phone minutes? Maybe you don’t even have a limit on minutes anymore.  The same is likely true on text messages (i.e. SMS).

But what about when it comes to data? Ah, that’s a different story. How long to you get into the month before you start getting warning notes from your provider that you’ve used 50 percent, 75 percent, 90 percent of your data allocation?  Of course, your mobile provider is always quite happy to sell you another bucket of data…

Think about all the things you use data for on your mobile device: streaming audio and video, social media, games, maybe even a little old school e-mail.  You might also be sending photos and video back upstream through SnapChat, Instagram,  Periscope or Meerkat.

If you’re on an iPhone, you likely burn through a lot of data using FaceTime to make your audio and video calls (though if you’re smart about it, you’re using WiFi whenever possible). And everyone is burning through data one way or another with

Over in the world of the Medium Formerly Known as Television, we are seeing this transformation as well.  Right now, at least if you are old, you think of TV as something that comes in through cable or down from the skies via satellite.  If you’re really old (or poor…) you think of it as something that comes in over the air through an antenna. (I had hoped I would be the originator of this term, but, alas, it was not to be.)

But increasingly we are getting are video programing from streaming services. When I asked my students last week what the most recent programming they had watch on television was, the most common channel was (with the possible exception of the World Series broadcast)… Netflix.  Now Netflix is a streaming service that you get over the Internet using data.  Netflix is just one of many sources of streaming video: Hulu, CBS’s All Access, Amazon Prime, and the list goes on.

Apple has offered a streaming box for several years called the Apple TV that the late Steve Jobs used to refer to as a hobby.  But with the release of the newest version of it, Apple seems to be taking it much more seriously – with the idea that the new Apple TV could serve as a substitute to your cable or satellite service – assuming you have a big bucket of data to support it.

As a side note, media giant and major internet provider Comcast is now experimenting with offering subscribers an unlimited Internet package for about $35 more than their usual package that is capped at 300 GB of data. (This is something new to me as my cable/internet provider always provides unlimited data, but it’s possible that will change.)

Time Warner Cable, another of the nation’s largest cable/internet providers, is reportedly experimenting with replacing their set-top cable box with a streaming app that could run on a Roku , X-Box, or other device.

In closing, it’s not just high-tech multimedia that’s going digital.  The New York Times has been working on it’s digital strategy for years and has recently released a report that calls for doubling its digital revenue by 2020.


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Who was behind the brilliant @IsPaulSpeaker Twitter account?

I can’t believe that everyone interested in national politics wasn’t following the @IsPaulSpeaker Twitter account for the last couple of weeks.  The account, run by Topeka, Kansas attorney Angel Romero Jr (also a proud Washburn University grad), presented a series of animated GIFs answer the question – Is Paul Ryan speaker of the house yet? Every few hours, Romero would tweet out GIFs initially reporting Nope,

then Soon

Then Very Soon

And finally – the white smoke indicating that yes, Ryan had been elected speaker

Of course, the story didn’t end there.  Following a series of joyous Yes tweets, we found at that new speaker Paul Ryan was a fan of the feed, posting this from his official account:

Thank you, Mr. Romero, for some political fun!

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