Google’s goes conventional with ‘Sophie’ ad for Chrome

Google has a new television ad for its Chrome web browser that is quite charming:

Long-time tech journalist Steven Levy (author of the 80s computer classic Hackers) has an interesting analysis of the ad.  He notes that while the ad is based on a true story of a father writing notes for his daughter to see in the future, the ad features models/actors, not the real people.

So? you ask.  Well, Google had previously stated that it didn’t use models in ads.  It wasn’t going to be conventional.  But as Levy points out, Google may have finally reached a point that it has to be conventional.

Because after all, as Truth 3 states: Everything from the margin moves to the center.

Bonus Video — Google’s 2010 Super Bowl commercial (without any actors):

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E-books continue to gain market share

E-books are continuing to rapidly gain market share, while sales of paperbacks are falling, according to a story at Paid Content.

And while some “indie” writers are finding success through self-publishing using tools like Amazon’s Kindle support, just putting a book up online at a cheap price does not mean that there will be sales, reports the Washington Post.  Instead, what we are seeing is that authors who have or would find success through conventional publishing are also finding success through e-publishing.

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Link Ch. 1 – Covering bin Laden’s Death

Here are a number of stories on the death of Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011

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Right Here in Nebraska

I was reminded of a great little song about my adopted state of Nebraska this morning by my lovely wife.  For those of you who don’t know much about this state, here’s a refresher course:

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Video Blogs, Part 2

Here is the second round of video blog entries from my commentary students.  You can see the first round here.

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Video blogs from my students, then and now

My commentary students are currently posting their video blog entries, in some cases somewhat against their will. And that’s actually the point of this assignment. I want them all to get used to the idea of creating and posting video. Because this is something journalism grads are all going to be doing at one point or another. For example, here’s a pair of videos produced by recent graduate Cody Riedel, who now does online and social media for the Kearney Hub. The first was produced as a part of my class back in 2009, and the second is a recent Casual Sports Fan from the Hub.

And here are several of my current students’ video blogs:

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Link Ch. 4 – Nicholas Kristof on the Three Cups of Tea fuss

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof has written extensively on issues  surrounding world poverty, and he considers Greg Mortinson, the embattled author of Three Cups of Tea, to be a friend.  That makes his reaction to the recent charges to against Mortinson to be particularly interesting.  He understands the issues Mortinson has been working on more than most, and he has some good personal insight on how Mortinson may have arrived at the bad place he is now.  Recommended reading.

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Link Ch. 4 – Three Cups of the Boston Globe in the 90s

My commentary students and I spent class yesterday talking about the Greg Mortenson Three Cups of Tea case study, and talk there led to discussion of the Mike Barnicle / Patricia Smith case.

Here’s a link to a great in-depth article about how the Boston Globe dealt with (or didn’t deal with at first) two columnists who fabricated material.  The article’s  by Howard Kurtz, who was writing for the Washington Post at the time.

(BTW, all of this adds up to a great example of Truth 4 – Nothing’s new — Everything that happens in the past will happen again.)

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Link Ch. 4 – Three Cups of James Frey?

Another memoirist is in the process of being caught telling stories that may have only a minimal connection with reality.

Greg Mortenson, author of the best sellers Three Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools, has been accused in both a story by 60 Minutes and by a new electronically published article by Jon Krakauer of fabricating substantial parts of his book.  I want to develop this further, but in the mean time, here’s a collection of materials on the subject:

UPDATE 2/14/12: Mortenson is facing a civil suit over the acknowledged fabrications in his book Three Cups of Tea.  A class action lawsuit representing readers of the book resulted in refunds to complaining readers totaling $27,348; attorney fees were more than $700,000.

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Link Ch. 13 – Noriega, CNN and Prior Restraint

I was lecturing recently on free press/fair trial issues, and touched on the CNN/Noriega case.  In this case the court issued a temporary restraining order against CNN to prevent the network from broadcasting tapes of former Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega talking with his lawyers. The judge felt that broadcasting the tapes would unduly benefit the government in designing its strategy for prosecuting the former leader on drug charges. Nevertheless, CNN did broadcast one of the conversations. The restraining order was lifted eventually, but CNN was found guilty of contempt of court for broadcasting the original tape.

One of my students started asking me questions about the case that I couldn’t answer, so I did some digging and came up with this article from 1993 from American Journalism Review.  Well worth reading.

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