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Mass Communication: Living in a Media World, a new text for Introduction to Mass Communication classes.

April 2005 Archive

Note that some of these links are short term and will expire after two weeks. If you have access to Lexis-Nexis at your college or university library, you can retrieve many of the stories that are no longer on the web.

Main Archive List

Saturday - April 29, 2005

Friday - April 28, 2005

Thursday - April 27, 2005

African-American Papers in the News

Wednesday - April 26, 2005

Sorry for the shortage of posts. It's Dead Week on the WVU campus.

Monday - April 25, 2005

Friday - April 22, 2005

Thursday - April 21, 2005

Wednesday - April 20, 2005

Creating Your Own Editorial Page
Today's entry is actually an assignment for my editorial & commentary writing students, but you may find it useful as well. My students are being asked to assemble two days worth of editorial pages, using the resources listed below as a starting point. They are to choose two editorials (one on a local issue and one on a national/international issue), three columns, and an editorial cartoon for each day. (They are to be the author of one of the columns each day.) They need to find some type of balance (which they can define as they please) within their content, although they are clearly allowed to have an editorial POV on the page. They then need to defend their choices to the class as a whole. Have fun figuring out what would go on your editorial page. I may post some samples of what they come up with later on. Here are a few places to get started with, But feel free to go anywhere you please for material.

Tuesday - April 19, 2005

Monday - April 18, 2005

Friday - April 15, 2005

Thursday - April 14, 2004

Wednesday - April 13, 2005

Tuesday - April 12, 2005

Monday - April 11, 2005

Everyone's Gone to the Movies Dept.

Friday - April 8, 2005

Thursday - April 7, 2005

Wednesday - April 6, 2005

Tuesday - April 5, 2005

Monday - April 4, 2005

Friday - April 1, 2005